HVAC & Electrical expert solutions to the business community since 1976
a woman owned business
The COVID-19 pandemic has altered how routine business is conducted. While guidelines from CDC and other governmental agencies have been changing, CAC-CE has elected to take the most conservative posture to protect both our clients and employees. We shall continue to monitor health officials, and make adjustments as needed.
The technology CAC-CE has deployed allows continuation of services with minimal Client "in-person" contact which is the cornerstone of our Enhanced Social Distancing (ESD).
Daily activities
Entire team takes daily temperature in AM & PM and monitors other self diagnostics. Any deviation from guidelines results in clinical lab testing with appropriate followup.
Daily wipe down of equipment and surfaces
ESD (Enhanced Social Distancing)
Donning of facemasks as recommended by officials
CAC-CE office will reach out to local site contact via email to let them know we are on en-route to site
Technician or Electrician arrives at Client site
Technician or Electricain to go directly to equipment and troubleshoot, conduct maintenance or otherwise assess
Repairs either made or approvals to make repair will be sought
Technician or Electrician will complete electronic paper-work and leave the site
CAC-CE office to provide followup or close-out to Client as needed
COVID-19 Resources: CDC ASHRAE